日本游戏开发商Capcom宣布,为任天堂3DS掌机开发的3D 版《生化危机:佣兵》,每位购买者只能完成一次游戏体验,因为它的储存槽数据无法被清空。Capcom此举是确保二手游戏买家只能得到二手的体验。如果你购买了一款玩过的《生化危机:佣兵》,你只能停留在上一位玩家的进度上,无法从头开始。 \N\NHatta writes "Resident Evil: Mercenaries 3D for the Nintendo 3DS will be an experience that can be completed once per customer. Using a single, unwipable save slot Capcom ensures that a second hand customer gets a second rate experience. If you buy this game used, you will be stuck with the previous owner's progress, unable to start the game fresh."\N\N[url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resident_Evil:_The_Mercenaries_3D[/url]\N\N[align=right]消息来源:[url]http://games.solidot.org/games/11/06/28/1432253.shtml[/url]\NA9VG[/align]