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[同人] 经典游戏《怒之铁拳.重制版》V5.0正式版 1楼
Streets of rage Remake – Final version (v5.0) \N经典自制游戏《怒之铁拳.重制版》V5.0正式版\N\N压缩时候忘了有没有设定解压密码,如果有的话就请输入zhange98mugenchina2diyer试试,至于俺手上的存档还不够完美就暂时不发了~\N貌似常用的115很倒霉的摔坏了5块服务器HDD,只有4月6号才能恢复上传功能,现在暂时就先用鬼佬自己提供的地址了吧~\N\N【DOWNLOAD】\N国内115网盘补完 [url][/url]\N第一部分 [url][/url]\N第二部分 [url][/url]\N貌似必须翻墙的地址 [url][/url]\N多个网盘的共享分流 [url][/url]\N其他国内网盘分流 [url][/url]\N\N[quote]April 3rd, 2011 \NWelcome back to the blog!\NIt has been 8 years of work, but the final version is here, this is complete and ready for download, Surprised? \NFirst of all, you can read the terms of use.\NPROMOTIONAL PIC\NPROGRAM:Streets of Rage Remake is a project created from scratch, it does not use reverse engineering nor a single line of code from the original games. It’s all based on visual interpretation, comparing how things work in the original games and trying to mimic it for Streets of Rage Remake.\N[align=center]Streets of rage Remake,怒之铁拳[/align]\N2011-4-6 12:51\NSome of its functions:\N* Animation timing, animation positioning, control response, X/Y/Z positions and physical movement for all characters are accurate to the original games.\N* 64 modules of AI per enemy to represent walking and reactions.\N* Collisions and damages based on the original games.\N* The same score system algorythm that is used in SOR2.\N* Grabs and vaults as in the original games.\N* Autosave savestates that allow you to continue the game from the same point, exit windows, alt+x, etc.\N* Prediction of resources, to speed loading times.\N* All functions of all the original games in the series are emulated:\N- Over 30 configurable options in the menu\N- Star and Special Meter sytems\N- 6-button controller actions\N- Different types of weapons, and Special Weapon attacks\N- Police specials\N- And much more\N[align=right]Streets of rage Remake,怒之铁拳[/align]\N2011-4-6 17:23\NGAMEPLAY:Tests have been conducted for months to ensure that the game plays well, plays accurately, has the smallest possible number of bugs and an appropriate difficulty level.\NMATERIAL:The following material has been created exclusively for Street of Rage Remake V5, and V4 (with all that implies).\NCUTSCENES:The game includes original cutscenes between stages, totalling over 40 cutscenes and 8 endings.\NSTAGES:There are stages in the game that are either completely new or remastered, adding more colors, more scrolling layers, interactive details not present in the original games and much more.\NTHE SPRITES:Over 10 designers have been working for years to create new sprites, creating 19 playable characters all with a complete set of moves, new enemies, new details on the stages and much more.\NMUSIC:The music has been remixed by 5 different musicians, they are in OGG format (44khz, 128kbps) and contain practically all the songs in the original series, including Game Gear versions and some new tracks, a total of 76 songs.\N* All songs have been volume controlled and EQ.\NSOUND FX:The game contains audio sounds from the original games that have been recorded directly from a Megadrive/Genesis.\N* Each enemy and character has their own voice channel (a total of 24 channels of audio)\N* The shrill sounds accumulate in specific channels to avoid distorting the audio.\N* Ambient sounds are a new feature of the game.\NSUMMARY OF THE CONTENTS OF THE GAME\NYou can see the promotional poster for the game here.\N103 STAGES:\N- 93 stages in story mode\N- 5 stages in extra modes\N- 5 stages in the Prototype mod (separate download)\N19 PLAYABLE CHARACTERS:\N- SOR1 characters remastered with new moves\N- SOR2 characters with new moves\N- SOR3 characters with new moves\N- New playable characters\N64 ENEMIES:\N- All enemies from SOR1 remastered.\N- All enemies SOR2 (RGB color correction).\N- All enemies SOR3 (RGB color correction).\N- New enemies based on the Game Gear versions and even the cover the game!\NREMIXES 83:\N- 76 in V5.\N- 7 in the Prototype mod.\NADDITIONAL CONTENT:\N- Profile Editor\N- Color Editor\N- Name Editor\N- Sormaker\N- Cutscene Viewer\N- Profile Viewer (and commands)\N- Image Gallery\N- 16 cheats\N- Battle Mode\N- Survival Mode\N- Boss Rush mode\N- Events Mode (16 events)\N- Volleyball Mode\N- Allied cpu mode\N- And more than 30 customizable options\NThe planned online feature had to be scrapped as there were problems getting the game to run lag free, even from early build. It would of taken longer to wait for an improvement on this, so it was left out and more time was spent on improving the game itself.\NENDING:In the coming weeks the blog will be updated with the release ports (Linux, Wiz) and the official SORR V5 soundtrack in mp3 format.\NDOWNLOAD (218 MB) [/quote]\N[align=right]来源[/align]
🗓2011-4-23 08:49(约13年前)  👁1137
