[align=center] \NCubium (2011/PC) R.G. Gamers | 104.63 Mb\NYear: 2011 | Genre: Arcade / Logic / Indie | Platform: PC | Language: Russian | Publication Type: Digital License\NPublisher: Kranx Production | Developer: Avreliy Games\NEXE | R.G. Gamers[/align]\N\NCubium - this is a puzzle game in an incredible world of feelings and emotions, where the player will have to solve dozens of puzzles, levels. During the game you will encounter different laws of physics, the use of which will need to decide this or that problem. All this under the hypnotizing, atmospheric music written specifically for Cubium.\NThe verdict is unequivocal. Cubium - beautifully performed by the indie game. These games appear very rarely, not only in our region, but even the world. InoGame.\NFeatures:\N- 57 levels full of puzzles and hidden meaning;\N- A unique musical accompaniment;\N- Using the laws of physics to pass levels.\NSystem requirements:\N> Operating System: 2000 / XP / Vista / 7;\N> Processor: Pentium III 1000 Mhz or higher;\N> Memory: 128 MB or above;\N> Video: DirectX 9 compatible, 64 MB, with support for shader 2.0 (SM 2.0);\N> Free hard disk space: 200 MB\N  \N ![Cubium]() \NYear: 2011\NGenre: Arcade / Logic / Indie\NDeveloper: Avreliy Games\NPublisher: Kranx Production\NPlatform: PC\NPublication Type: Digital License\NLanguage: Russian\NCrack: None (StarForce v5.70.025.002 + OA)\NSize: 104.63 Mb\N[flash]http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMjc5MDgwNjMy/v.swf[/flash]\N[align=right]来源:game.ali213.net/thread-3624716-1-1.html[/align]