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[业界]《格斗之王KOFXII》100%手繪無3D制作!SNK官方宣傳視頻合集![KOF12/98/侍魂 1楼


  曾经每年必推一作的SNK著名2D格斗游戏《KOF》系列从2003年之后放弃了以年代为标题的传统,之后最新的一代《KOF XI》的发售也已经是两年前的事情了。众所周知,从《KOF 2003》起,KOF进入了一个全新的篇章“ASH篇”,新的主人公ASH在《KOF 2003》和《KOF XI》中分别盗取了八神和神乐的能力。《KOF XII》很可能是本篇的最后一个章节。谈论2D格斗游戏不可避免的要涉及到画风问题,画风问题也是每届KOF都会争论的话题。新的游戏画面给人的感觉是超炫!也看的出SNKP下的工夫和诚意。

  KOF XII制作人Masaaki Kukino说:“做2D游戏不像3D可以捕抓动作然后帖图,2D是要完全一个动作一个动作画出来的。KOF XII采用全手绘,无3D制作。人物的动作都画的很精细,画面满格。本作已经超越了格斗游戏的范畴,是真正的艺术品。

When SNK showed off The King of Fighters XII at arcade show AOU in Japan and industry event GDC in San Francisco, the unanimous reply was: Nice cell shading. Thing is, that's totally incorrect. Today, I checked out the game's latest build at SNK's Osaka office and saw a few stages that haven't been revealed. Screens weren't available, but there was a French stage, complete with fat, rich women and an Egyptian one that had loyal subjects worshiping before the Pharaoh. Colorful stuff and classic SNK. The company set out to make the ultimate 2D fighter — unparalleled by anything else out there, attempting not only to raise the bar, but snap it in half. KOFXII producer Masaaki Kukino tells Kotaku:

"The game is one hundred percent hand drawn. There is zero cell shading in The King of Fighters XII."

Hardcore. That means that an actual human hands lovingly drew and colored in everything in the game. Every single frame, every character and every background. Everything — down to the game's in-game title. SNK gave us the full rundown, so here's how it worked: The original character drawings were modeled into 3D. Those 3D models were then rendered back into 2D. That way the 2D characters could have a greater depth of motion.\N\t\t\t\tSince the 2D models were devoid of color and details, artists went through each character, background, image and painstakingly added colors and drew in details pixel-by-pixel on a tablet PC. In one day, one artist would be able to draw one frame and a half for whatever image he or she was working on.

"We knew it was going to be hard going in," says Kukino. "But we wanted to make the ultimate 2D fighting game." Up close, that meticulous attention to detail becomes apparent, and you're always noticing a flourish here or a nice touch there. Every inch of the screen has something interesting going on. "We wanted the look of the game to have more in common with manga or anime," Kukino adds. With KoFXII, it looks like SNK hasn't only created another stylized 2D fighter, but this time, a genuine work of art.

🗓2008-3-7 08:33(约17年前)  👁496
