FAMI滿分DC力作《刀魂 Soul Calibur 》將登陸XBLA!畫面將高清化~以DC版為藍本,預定今夏推出

Release Date: Summer 2008
Platform: Xbox LIVE Arcade
The highest rated console fighting game ever is back again for a new generation! Sharpen your blades and relive old grudges against classic adversaries in high definition. Prove your mettle against the world with a variety of leaderboards spanning every character and mode. Match your wits and fighting instincts in Arcade, Training and Survival modes, or challenge a friend in local-play Versus mode.
For more information on Infinitum and Soulcalibur, please visit:
http:// www.namcobandaigames.com\N\t\t\t

順手貼幾張《戰爭機器2Gears of War 2》的新圖
